diy | Summertime Art


Last summer, when the days were beautiful, the world was shut down, and we were all going a little insane, I was in the middle of setting up a playroom for my two boys. I wanted some cool art in there and wasn’t finding anything I could commit to online so, I thought to myself, why not have my kids make it?! After some creative brainstorming and a successful Amazon search, we created this beautiful water ball art which hangs in their playroom.


Water Balls

Liquid Watercolor Paint

Floating Frame with Canvas

Once you’ve got all of the materials, the fun begins! I poured the watercolor paints into some beach buckets and added water to fill the buckets and water down the paint. I soaked several balls in the water/paint mixture and then let my boys go to town throwing the balls at the canvas - it was super fun! By the time we were done, we were all varying shades of colors and we continued to throw the water balls at each other to continue the fun! We had such a great time making it, and now we have a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork hanging in the boys’ playroom; if you ask them who made it, they smile proudly and say, “We did!”


get the look | January 2021


thoughts on… | Greige